Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Everyday I'm shuffling!!!

President Zuma axed Tokyo Sexwale at Cabinet reshuffle.

Zuma axed three of his ministers in a Cabinet reshuffle on Tuesday 09 July 2013. This is his fourth reshuffle since he has been in office. Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale and embattled Communications Minister Dina Pule received the boot on Tuesday. It Baffles me as a citizen why these two ministers received the boot and Angie Motshekga is safe. Then again it hits me that Mr President has her back, it was reported by the SABC news that  Jacob Zuma once defended the Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga.

According to the SABC, Zuma said that Motshekga is working hard to turn around the country’s under-performing education system.I am very happy with her job.

Surely Mr President was not happy when Sexwale campaigned against his re-election as African National Congress leader at the ruling party’s national elective conference in December 2011.

Could this be the reason why he is exed?

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